The largest female leadership event in Brazil, the Marie Claire Power Trip Summit was hosted in April in Salvador, at the stunning Hotel Fasano.
“The Marie Claire Powertrip Summit is an inspirational event for women to empower other women in the career industry,” Laura Ancona, Marie Claire Brazil’s Editor-in-Chief said in her keynote address. She then invited the first spokeswoman for the night: Joana Guimarães da Luz, from the UFSB, who became the first black woman Dean of a federal university in Brazil. Joana talked about her personal path from poverty to reaching the top of her career.
In it’s third year, the Power Trip Summit continues to raise important issues such as the #MeToo movement and how it helped to improve the situation of women in Brazil and the important issue of pregnant women within companies. Luciana Cattony, co-founder of the Maternity in Business project, said “Motherhood transforms us for the better. When companies understand this, everything flows better “.
With around 40 trailblazing guests, the event was attended by the researcher and philopsphy teacher Djamila Ribeiro, Chieko Aoki, founder and president of the Blue Tree Hotels network, Danielle Torres, managing partner of KPGM insurance, Márcia Rocha, idealizer and coordinator of the project TransEmpregos (gender in the labor market), Adriana Barbosa, founder of Feira Preta, the biggest black culture event in Latin America, Amanda Capucho, CEO of Café Orfeu, the most awarded Brazilian coffee in the world, Danielle Bibas, Avon Global Vice President of Brands, Eliane Dias, founder of Boogie Naipe and one of the main voices of black causes in the country.
Many activities, including a non-violent communication worshop with Carolina Nalon, conflict mediator from Instituto Tiê – Conversas, were also held.
The Power Trip was sponsored by The Bodyshop, Equilibri and Orfeu.